WordPress Meetups in Los Angeles and Pasadena

If you live in or around the greater Los Angeles area and you have a small business website running WordPress you’re in pretty good shape! Why? Because there’s a nearly endless number of WordPress-based meetups in and around LA.
Who are these meetups for?
These meetups are for a wide variety of users. Some users are bloggers, who love generating content. Some users are running a small business they want to drive traffic to. Other users are running a business powered by WordPress.

It so happens that there’s one that I run in Pasadena, once a month. It’s the Pasadena WordPress meetup. We are hosted at CrossCampus in Old Town Pasadena and we meet the third Tuesday of every month. It’s an active and helpful meetup, and it’s been going strong for over 4 years now! We do a roundtable Q and A style meetup. No presenters, just you and your questions.
After about an hour of rapid-fire questions and answers, we turn things over to networking for an hour or so and finish things off with questionable Mexican food and stiff Margaritas from Amigos, in East Pasadena. Pasadena WordPress Meetup Page
If you’re looking for something more within LA-proper I’ve got a couple meetups for you. The Los Angeles WP group as well as the Advanced WordPress Los Angeles Group—although this particular group hasn’t met in several months, it’s due for a comeback. The LAWP group is headed up by local designer, Greg Douglas, who has spoken at and organized WordCamp LA. He’s a great guy with a lot of knowledge. His meetups tend to be geared more toward the business of WordPress.
For a complete list of Los Angeles WordPress related meetups, check out this link.
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