Our First Officially Approved WordPress Theme

So our first approved WordPress.org theme is now available on the WP.org repo. Some Like it Neat is a starter theme that we use for most of our WordPress development projects. We built a site for it and you can always grab a copy over at the Github Repo, too, which will always be the latest and greatest version available.
Under the hood there’s not too much crazy stuff going on. It’s a theme built using the Underscores boilerplate, which, by itself, is amazing. I went and added the following features to the theme
- Post Format Support
- Schema.org Rich Markup
- TGM Plugin Activation
- Responsive-friendly/Mobile first approach
For other theme devs there’s some other cool stuff going on as well.
- Built using Bourbon and Neat for Sass library and responsive grid framework
- Uses Gulpjs, which provides the following automated tasks
- BrowserSync for live CSS injecting/updates
- JS and Css minification
- JS concatenation
- Image optimation
- Auto prefixing of CSS selectors
- It also has a command that will build an installable theme zipped package to go and install once you’re ready to go.
A lot of love and work has gone into the theme and a lot has been learned. Specifically what it takes to get a theme into the .org repo, there’s a lot of checkpoints, all necessary. But, man, lots of hoops! But I’ve also learned to work with a variety of tools that have worked to make my theme building more efficient, so that’s an added bonus.
Give theme theme a spin and let me know what you all think! You can grab it off the repo here: Github Repo
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