Your Weekend Digital Digest: July 23rd
This weekend’s digital digest is dedicated to my people who need a distraction from being distracted. You know, people who watch shows on their TV but also can’t stop looking at their phone simultaneously.

What I Bookmarked This Week
It’s always a race with yourself
My Man Crush Monday is always Peter Kang of Barrel NYC. He shares some of his wisdom here, resonating with me this week.
As someone who enjoys running and has done a couple of marathons, when I got started with running, my coach would always tell me: “Run your run, not someone else’s.” It’s good advice. Focus on yourself and what you need to do, not what someone else is doing.
Underrated skill: learning to focus on running your own race.
— Peter Kang (@peterkang34) July 20, 2022
Had trouble with this in my 20s & it caused all kinds of discontentment + poor decision-making.
Been much happier focusing on my own progress & being grateful about it every day. Applies to personal life & biz.
Also, if you’re an agency owner, definitely check out his personal/biz blog
25 Things Podcasters Need to Hear
Joe Casabona (I linked to him previously) shared some good tips for growing a podcast, and I felt like it was a valuable tweet to share.
25 things every podcaster needs to hear 👇
— Joe Casabona :: Podcast Coach (@jcasabona) July 19, 2022
But also, also, I have a gripe. Can we just take these tweets that should’ve been blog posts and make em blog posts, too? Especially if you’re a well-known WP influencer. Pleeeease! =)
Regarding Accessibility
This is an older tweet, but one I think is worth resharing. Accessible products and websites don’t just produce better user experiences for people with physical, neural, or sensory disabilities, but they improve the overall quality of the user experience for people of ALL abilities.
It’s a good question (especially for those of us who haven’t given it as much thought, aka me) to ask ourselves how we can improve the user experience provided by the things we build: How can we incrementally improve the experience for all users a little bit every week or month?
This chart is the best rationale for #accessibility that I’ve seen.
— Jameson (@softwarejameson) December 19, 2021
There are 12 people, only 2 are deaf/blind.
Accessibility is about creating a highly usable product.
Does anyone else hate that WordPress automatically tries to make it into an embedded piece of content when you paste in a link? I’m feeling extra gripey today, folks.

WordCamp Asia is Coming
I’ve organized several WordCamps in my hay-day, and let me tell you; it’s grueling. I can’t imagine putting in all that work, getting to the finish line, and then canceling it. The pandemic, again, is to blame.
WordCamp Asia is getting the do-over treatment like we should be offering everyone who graduated from something in 2020, High School, Law School, College, or Graduating from Sleeping in Your Race Car Bed you get a celebration! 🥳🎉
Community Comeback?
Yes, there’s still a pandemic ravaging the world. And, no, I don’t have good answers for myself or you. Since we’ve shifted into ‘Endemic Mode,’ in-person events are coming back in the WP space. The WP Community Events team made such an announcement not too long ago, after WordCamp Europe.
WordCamp Europe was the surge the WordPress community needed.💥
— The WP Minute (@TheWPMinute) July 20, 2022
Written by @raquel__karina
"Last June, I represented The WP Minute in Porto, Portugal for the highly anticipated, long-overdue regional event. WordCamp Europe…"#WordPress #WCEU #WCEU2022
I’m going to be bringing back our in-person Pasadena WordPress Meetup soon. Stay tuned for announcements.
Joost’s WordPress Quarterly Marketshare Report
In Joost’s previous report it created a bit of a dust-up and ruffled some feathers over WordPress being in decline after a good many years of rising. In this recent report, Joost surmises that WP’s market share is stabilizing.
Here it is! My seventh semi-annual CMS market share analysis, based on @W3Techs data, this time corroborated by @builtwith data:
— Joost de Valk (@jdevalk) July 21, 2022
Lots of data on WordPress, Wix, as well as Shopfiy & WooCommerce & others!
Notable: “WordPress is the #1 CMS with a 43% market share, roughly the same as in December 2021.”
With all that market share, what has WordPress done to change how we publish information on the web? I understand. I admit I’m ignorant of how WP contributes to the Open Web, but maybe that’s a question worth exploring further.
The Future of WordPress
My friends at Pixel Jar share their thoughts on what’s to come for the popular CMS that monies in pockets and webpages on websites.
Read the article here:
WordPress Jobs
The awesome folks behind LifterLMS are hiring. If you’re a capable developer, join a team of talented and driven marketers, devs, and people who lift heavy shit.
View the job posting here:
The ACLU Is hiring a WordPress developer and the salary is pretty darn sweet.
View the job posting here:
How Are You Using it?
PostStatus user David Lockie, Web3 Lead at Automattic, is looking for feedback from folks who actively work in the WordPress Ecosystem. You can fill out his Google Form here.
A good reminder regarding Calls to Action (CTAs).

Be clear in your message, especially about what you want people to do and how it will provide value if they take action.
Dedicated Newsletter Landing Pages
Having a page for your newsletters isn’t a new thing. Too often see websites that publish a newsletter but do not have a dedicated page for their newsletter archives with a signup form. It’s super simple, and you should do it. Building your list is important, kinda like brushing your teeths! I said TEETHS! You can see our newsletter page here.
Building a landing page for your newsletter gives you a place to link to from your various social bios or linktrees, and your email signature—it’s better than having it be a footer signup form or something that randomly pops up.
Get creative and post testimonials to help persuade curious visitors to sign up!
Quizzes as Lead Magnets
We talked a bit about lead magnets in our blog recently. They’re effective for converting leads by providing a valuable resource. My friend and resident smart-good egg, James White, shared a resource that flipped my lid when I saw it. Kathleen Celmins believes that quizzes help convert more visitors into leads than most lead-gen methods.
From her website:
According to Psychology Today, we like taking quizzes because they reveal things we didn’t know about ourselves, they help us identify with a group to belong to, and we want to better understand others.
Kathleen Celmins
We actually have our own Lead Magnet Resource, a Woocomemrce vs. Shopify Decider tool. It’s converted a few leads, but nothing to sneeze at. I think we may look into investing more time and effort into this tactic.
Where to head next
A bit from Seth Godin’s blog: “Now more than ever, there’s room for leaders. Go first.”
I’m unsure how to decipher the meaning, but to me, it means we should lead by doing, beating our drum every day, and lead with empathy every day, especially in times of great uncertainty. What’s it mean to you?
I’m still unsure if I’ll keep up this weekly weekend digital digest, but I feel like I should have a name for this thing. What do you think? Help me come up with a name for this monstrosity of a newsletter. The DigiSavvy Digital Digest is about the best I could come up with after binging Severance from Apple.
Did you love this edition? Hate it? Reply and let me know!
Also, if you have tips to share, upcoming events to promote, or whatever, please get in touch!