Jacket Society

Independent retailer and prolific content creator Nora Minassian squeezes the most value she can from her e-commerce platform

Project Overview

Leveraging the Power of Marketing Automation to Grow Sales Automagically

What does content have to do with promoting your business online? A lot! Thousands of words, hundreds of photo shoots, and thousands of photos later, the people behind JacketSociety give us their insights into marketing their business online.

The Jacket Society is an online store that designs and sells jackets, but also scarves, blazers, wraps, blouses, jewelry, and so much more.  Owner, Nora Minassian, is a powerhouse when it comes to content creation and promotion. She needed a trusted guide to help her level up her online platform and stabilize it. Nora and her husband Tim met Alex at one of his website user meetups and they quickly tapped him for expert advice on their own online clothing store.

The Challenge

Jacket Society (now known as Just Style LA) is an online clothing brand. They had an established web presence, they were making sales, but they didn’t seem to make traction and they suffered from technical glitches and hurdles that were keeping them from focusing on their business.

Nora and Tim needed high-level guidance to review the platform they already had and to make tweaks so they could get their shop to the next level.

The Solution

DigiSavvy came in and performed a technical audit of Jacket Society’s online store. While the website worked well enough it wasn’t working for their business. Specifically, the website would time out often and over-utilize allocated resources, which were hurting site performance and costing them sales.

Providing flexibility and increased usability

Our analysis revealed their hosting was underpowered given the functionality they needed to have to serve their customers. Also, their theme was heavy and also required a lot of resources.

Not only was there a technical issue but Jacket Society also was not benefitting as much from their newsletter lists as they could. They weren’t taking advantage of automation for things like abandoned cards, and ensured engagement and, lead scoring.

DigiSavvy built and redesigned and rebuilt the jacketsociety.com website with the following features:

  • A clean, built-from-the-ground-up, theme that used less resources.
  • We moved their website to Pantheon’s Managed Hosting platform.
  • We migrated Jacket Society from MailChimp to ActiveCampaign and configured various automations to help improve sales.

Leveraging Marketing Automation to Boost Sales

We began by reviewing JacketSociety’s MailChimp interactions, open rates, and such. They had nearly 50% open rates on average and, at times much higher.

We tested their lists by figuring out how many emails were “too many” emails and ended up with around three to four emails per week as their sweet spot. All of their emails resulted in some sales.

We then created interactivity automation that applied dynamic tags to users based on their interactions (or lack thereof) within a 30-day period. We used the tags to fire off other automations. In fact, we used one automation to send a loyalty discount to high-value customers. We used different automations to re-engage disengaged contacts, and if they remained disengaged then they were unsubscribed. This led to improved open rates and interactivity.

The Results

Jacket Society not only had a spiffy new, elegant, website, but they were also able to easily create sales landing pages to help promote seasonal discount sales, and they were able to easily modify the content on their homepage with a lightweight page builder.

Not only that but with new marketing automation in place, Jacket Society were recovering their abandoned carts, and re-engaging (and getting sales) from stale customers and leads through their re-engagement email automation powered by site activity (or lack thereof in some cases). They increased their sales by over 30% in just a few months.

Tim and Nora were happy with the new solution, which empowered them to manage their website, reduce headaches, and increase sales.

We did this for them, and we can do this for you, too!

โ€œThanks to Alex and his team for the home page re-design of my wifes womens fashion ecommerce website and blog. The site now has the modern look we have always wanted and we can now make changes to the home page so easily with the tools they gave us!โ€

Tim Gilpin In charge of helping his wife