Jacket Society
Independent retailer and prolific content creator Nora Minassian squeezes the most value she can from her e-commerce platform
Project Overview
Leveraging the Power of Marketing Automation to Grow Sales Automagically
What does content have to do with promoting your business online? A lot! Thousands of words, hundreds of photo shoots, and thousands of photos later, the people behind JacketSociety give us their insights into marketing their business online.
The Jacket Society is an online store that designs and sells jackets, but also scarves, blazers, wraps, blouses, jewelry, and so much more. Owner, Nora Minassian, is a powerhouse when it comes to content creation and promotion. She needed a trusted guide to help her level up her online platform and stabilize it. Nora and her husband Tim met Alex at one of his website user meetups and they quickly tapped him for expert advice on their own online clothing store.