DigiSavvy’s Digestible Digital Marketing Digest
Today’s digest is brought to you by the number oof (as in, have you looked at your stocks, IRAs, and 401ks lately?) and the word F********!!!!!!
2022 has moves, doesn’t it? Frankly, I’d like to ask for a refund. How about you?
I’m trying something a little different today. I’m going to publish a few of these so-called weekend digestibles. Let me know if you like em, hate em, or whatever. Also, hi, Mom! I love you!
What I Bookmarked This Week
Here, I share a few things that I saw on the Twitter that I thought was worthy of sharing. Maybe they’re useful to you as well? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
WordCamp US? Not This Time Buckeroo!
One of WordPress’s flagship in-person events sold out in the time it took me to realize that my missing keys were in my pocket, along with a melted Snicker’s bar that had gone missing at the start of the year. Yes, WCUS is sold out, which is sad news for my fellow WordPress enthusiasts. Stay tuned to https://us.wordcamp.org/2022/ and their Twitter account as they typically release tickets after they sell out but in small batches. They already announced that there’s a cap on in-person attendance, maybe that sticks, maybe not. Who knows! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
If you do end up going to San Diego for the event I highly recommend watching the Padres play the Dodgers at the stadium there. It’s gorgeous. Book early because that’s sure to sell out!
Giant Bulge
Yeah, I know this isn’t useful but my brain laughed at this and honestly I don’t why I laughed at this shit. Enjoy.
Useful Websites You Should Know
Helpful Digital Marketing Tools and Tactics
Okay alright already. I did it and now so can you! I urge you (yes you, reading this email right here) to go and do the thing. And give Jason a follow.
A day late and 1.2 million dollars short: HAPPY BOBBY BONILLA DAY!
Not Twitter (Reddit) but I want you to know it’s gonna be okay and so does this doggy. Very good boi content.
This week, Nanor, shared her seven tips on what you should include on your website. If you’re unsure what to put on that website of yours, this short guide is a good bet to get you headed in the right direction.
Boosting Open Rates Via “Happy Accidents”
I sent out a newsletter with a typo earlier this year in a newsletter for my product biz, IgnitionDeck. I was mortified as I sent out the newsletter and my team pointed out my egregious mistake. That said, we had a nearly 40% open rate on that email.
To be clear, I am NOT, advocating this as a regular tactic (although, I’m currently working up a post for the Chaotic Neutral’s guide to digital marketing tactics)! Maybe use this as a “sometimes tactic” the Cookie Monster says cookie is a good “sometimes treat” after all.
The lesson here is that sometimes a mistake leads to a positive outcome. Go fake a mistake today!
digisavvy.com Almost daily people find themselves navigating online. The ease of experience or the frustration when interacting with websites can make or break the experience for a potential client. Some key… 27 Jun 2022 |
Plugins I F*ckin’ Love
This newsletter was sent via Newsletter Glue.
It’s great and I prefer writing content in WP rather than ActiveCampaign (even in the block editor).
Invest in your newsletters and you use WordPress, go Grab Newsletter Glue.
Crowdfunding via Bitcoin

I absolutely stole the above image from the @givewp social media account tweet! That account (and their social media manager) is undefeated. If you’re looking to do donation-based fundraising, checkout GiveWP. If Equity Crowdfunding is more your jam then the next paragraph is for you, right there.
I’m not sure how many of you do Crowdfunding or have an interest in it, my product, IgnitionDeck, a WordPress-powered Crowdfunding platform, released a monumental update that allows folks to raise funds using Bitcoin or any number of Altcoins supported by CoinPayments (which powers our integration to accept crypto payments). Read the update here.
Job Opportunity for Event Manager Lovin’ Folks
Andrea Middleton (A-middy as I called her) was once in charge of Events and such for the WordPress Foundation—she now plies her craft over at Reddit and she’s looking for some brilliant minds. Maybe that’s you!
What Did You Think?
Love it? Hate it? Tell meh! But like give me actionable input (I’m looking at you, Jay) please n’ thanks.